Saturday, January 23, 2010

Schizo or Psychic? You decide.

So, I was up late last night doing some research for this issue I'm dealing with. At some point my research strayed to the realm of psycho and psychic people. So check this out...

There are many people who hear "voices" in their head. Some seek professional help, are diagnosed as schizophrenic and are heavily medicated, which (usually) is effective in eliminating the voices. HOWEVER, there are also those who hear voices but refrain from seeking psychiatric help because they don't want to have a diagnosis of schizophrenia on their health records. There are also those who refuse to seek psychiatric treatment because they know they are not crazy and that the voices in their head are merely snippets of conversation that they pick up psychicically. If I'm not mistaken, I believe true schizophrenics hear voices that talk to them specifically, give them demands/commands, put them down, etc. The intuitives/psychics don't hear the same type of voices. For them, hearing the voices is sort of like overhearing a conversation at the supermarket or wherever. The voices do not address them specifically and depending on level of psychic ability, the more powerful psychics can tune in to listen to entire conversations between people [in the near vicinity? from other parts of the country? of the world? I'm not sure. Note To Self: Look into this] while those with less honed skills are only able to pick up parts of what people are saying.

Many people who are not aware that they are psychic, have consulted mental health experts and are on prescription drugs for schizophrenia are missing out on a potentially powerful gift. The gift of psychic intuition. When trained and honed, psychic abilities have been known to prevent tragedy, accidents and also may offer great gifts (i.e. being in the right time at the right place, etc.). When treated with anti-psychotic medication, the psychic ability is hampered and cannot be honed to excellece and accuracy.

On a related topic - Since many psychics are not even aware of their abilities, it would be common sense to assume that there are hundreds of schizophrenic patients taking up beds at mental hospitals across the country for hearing voices. Rather than living their lives, they're being forced into a clinical environment and pumped full of medications all day long, every day, until they get "better." Or maybe never. I wonder if experts in the world of psychiatry/schizophrenia have ever considered that their schizo patients may be psychic. Most of these "educated" individuals would likely dismiss the notion of psychic ability (although many places of higher learning and government agencies have been studying these abilities for decades) and therefore dismiss the idea that these so-called patients should be free to live instead of being treated almost as a prisoner. If someone were to do a study on the link between psychic ability and schizophrenia I think it would reverberate loudly through the world of medicine and psychiatry and may bring amazing results for the misdiagnosed psychics - freeing them from a world of meds, psychotherapy, doctors, nurses and the likes. Allowing them to become the miracle they were born to be through the work that they do.

Does this post make sense to anybody reading it? It's sort of far-fetched and difficult to explain, but, as an intuitive person myself, the concept is completely reasonable and brilliant and advanced. I do believe at some point in the future this concept will become recognized worldwide and dealth with accordingly. I hope the outcome is for the best. People tend to fear the new and unknown and with the way our world runs today and looking back on pre-christian times I really hope that psychic people are looked upon as gifted, not "witchy" or "evil", and become treasured and accepted into society, rather than persecuted, as we've seen in history with the virtual decimation of the pagan population of nature-worshippers.

P.S. According to
The Complete Idiots Guide To Psychic Awareness, EVERYBODY is psychic. This book is one of the most interesting and thought provoking books I've ever come across and would highly suggest you buy a copy, or at least go to your nearest borders books and browse through it over a triple-shot caramel mocha.

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