Saturday, January 23, 2010


My Very Own Seline Movement

The following is an excerpt from a book that once shook me to the very core. A book I've become beyond intimate with. The excerpt I'm sharing with you resonates personally with me. When I first read it I was dealing with a...situation. And after going through the section over and over and over again, I couldn't help but to visualize parallels.

In this book by Peter Lorie, there are lots of references to the role women will play in the future and in the particular section I've chosen to share with you is basically a jumping off point. And it turns out I was the one that would go on to make that jump.
How could that be, you ask? I have no idea. My hands were literally shaking, my entire body trembling inexplicably when I first picked this book up at Border's bookstore. The first time I read this section through I was shocked to my core at what felt like the first publicly accepted "prophetic vision" I'd encountered [Note: the book in its entirety focuses on the writings of Nostradamus. Reportedly, the infamous seer wrote over 1,000 verses (or "quatrains") throughout the course of his life and few, if any of his fans and followers have ever taken on the "laborious" task of navigating through all of the enigmatic "visions" of (what many argue encompasses the world's) future. In Lorie's ingenious if somewhat overlooked Nostradamus tome, the author seeks to piece together Nostradamus' historic quatrains in a way that translates the goings-on of our world from the early 1900s and on through c.2025. 

I found that Lorie's passages on women and their role in this evolving world resonated with myself, my own experiences and the undeniable presence of females as population that will undeniably "play a large part" in how the human family makes its way through the potentially perilous (but equally opportunistic for a bright tomorrow). So, following that thought process through the following words penned by Lorie you'll have the opportunity to live vicariously and metaphorically [one would imagine] through what I've experienced in life beginning c. 2006 (and continuing on through the present, toward the future).

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On The Women's Rights Movement...

Women & Power
"The Moon hidden in deep shadows, her brother passes by rusty colored, the great one masked for a long time beneath eclipses, iron will cool in the bloody wound."

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"For those of us who have taken the laborious trouble to read all of Nostradamus's approximately one thousand verses, it becomes evident that a rather large number of them seem to make no sense at all. These are generally attributed to the future - that unmapped country-in the hope that some day an event will occur that will "fit" (almost) the mantle of the prophet's vision" (like the following section and its relation to me!!) "Otherwise, these enigmatic "quatrains" are nothing more than the meandering of a madman who had his moments."
- Peter Lorie

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"According to the verses quoted below, a large group of women (note from Bary: hm.. could this large "group of women" possibly be just one woman with an old soul who's lived through many lifetimes? That's what I took it to mean. But I could be wrong) will take a militant stand in order to effect major changes within contemporary society."
-Peter Lorie

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First come the literal translations of the verses,
and then there follows a more free interpretation.
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"From the shore of Lake Garda to Lake Fucino,
Taken from the Lake of Geneva to the port of "L'Orguion":
Born of three arms the predated warlike image,
Through three crowns to great Endymium.
From Sens, from Autun they will come as far as
the Rhone
To pass beyond and towards the Pyrenees
The nation to leave the march at Ancona:
By land and sea it will be followed by great trails.
The voice of the unusual bird is heard
On the pipe (or canon) of the floor
So high will come from the wheat the bushel
That man will be a cannibal to man.
Lightning in Burgundy will make something
One which could never have happened through skill,
A sexton made lame by the senate
Will inform the enemy of the matter:
Thrown back because of bows, fires, pitch and
more fire:
Cries, shouts are heard at midnight:
Inside they are put onto broken battlements,
The traitors fled by underground passageways,
Great Neptune from the deep sea
With Punic forms mixed with Gallic blood,
The Isles bleed, because of the late rowing:
More harm will it do to him, the badly conceived
The beard sizzled and black because of skill
Will reduce the cruel and proud people:
The great Chyren will remove from far away
All those captured by the banner of Selin.
After the conflict by the eloquence of the one that is
For a short while a false rest is managed:
The great ones are not to be allowed to be delivered
at all
They are returned by the enemy at the right time.
Through fire from the sky the city is almost
The Urn threatens Deucalion again:
Sardinia made angry by the Punic foist,
After Libra will leave her Phaethom.
Through hunger the prey will make the wolf
The aggressor then in extreme distress.
The heir having the last one before him,
The great one does not escape in the middle of the crowd."
-Nostradamus -- C2 V73-82
- - -
"So perhaps we can first "free-interpret" the lines of these verses
to examine more closely where the prediction leads us":
- Peter Lorie
From the shore of Lake Garda (in northeastern Italy) to the former Lake Fucino (now drained, an area of land sixty-five miles east of Rome) moving from Lake Geneva (in Switzerland) to the port of the Orgueil (to be discussed later) born out of three labors according to a predicted warlike image through three wreaths to the great lover of the Moon (Endymion, son of Zeus, was the lover of Selene, goddess of the Moon).

From Sens (northeast France, then in the Duchy of Burgundy) and Autun (also in Burgundy, one hundred miles from Sens) they will come as far as from the River Rhone to travel as far as the Pyrenees mountains, of those arising in Italy, a group of people will leave the march at Ancona (east coast of Italy); by land and sea it will be followed by great trails.

A big, unusual bird (possibly a bird of prey or a symbol) will be high in the sky where the air is still breathable; down near the earth is a layer that is not breathable, where men live and a famine exists, making men cannibals.

Powers in Burgundy will inflict punishment on the people of the march, and this will be told to the marchers by a disempowered cleric serving the State. They will be repelled by fire and weapons with cries heard at midnight and traitors to the cause will escape through underground passages.

Forces (probably military or police) from the Ottoman Empire and France (a fundamentalist backlash) will stand against the march, coming from the sea, though because of a late start will fail to stop it.


Men (bearded), burned by the skill of the marchers, will fight and beat them cruelly. The great comet Chiron will be seen moving far away by all those under the banner of Seline.

After the conflict an eloquent individual who was wounded secures a truce, which proves to be false, for the rest of the marchers, while those leaders who were captured by the enemy (presumably men) are returned at the right time.

Because of bombs or rockets a city nearby is burned: the son of the creator of mankind (Deucalion was the son of Prometheus, the creator of mankind in Greek mythology, whose task it was to renew the human race) is threatened again and the conflict is made worse by involvement from the people of Sardinia, which, after Libra (an astrological reference) will leave her Phaethon (a mythological reference to be explained).

Because of a yearning the women will make the men prisoners, so that they are very distressed. Even if the new heir (woman) stands behind the great one (man), she will now be noticed.

- Free Interpretation by Peter Lorie
- - -
Even Further Translation
"In translating and interpreting these complex and fascinating lines,
we have used a number of devices:
Local historical references and symbols that have some connection with the lifetime and locations of Nostradamus himself...Mythological symbolism from the distant past-such as Greek mythological heroes like Phaethon...A knowledge of history as it has developed up to the twenty-first century-in other words, we are aware that there is a growing feminist movement and have therefore applied this knowlege to the verses.
- - -
Employing the above methods the outlines of a story are revealed, of a march of women across Europe involving a large part of Italy, Switzerland, and France, inititally to establish rights that have not been granted to them, but evolving into a very significant event on the global scene...and by the tone of the overall prediction, this is a major event also in the history of womankind.
The march undertaken...derives from a number of starting points: northern Italy, the area of Rome, from Switzerland near Lake Geneva, and an area that is given the title "L'Orguion" which is interpreted to refer to the town of Orgon, twenty miles north of Salon, where Nostradamus lived, and which was, perhaps either coincidentaly or significantly, an area where in 1864 a meteorite fell. This meteorite was found to contain elements of presence of life in another part of the universe. On closer examination it becomes clear that these items had been embedded there deliberately, in an attempt to create a hoax. This reference may have some significance once the march of Seline Movement occurs.
...In the free interpretation we see that the movement is born out of three labors and a "predicted warlike image" of three wreaths, under the lovers of Engymion, whom we connect through mythology with the Moon. It is said that Nostradamus himself was unable to interpret this enigmatic verse, though there are those in his future who believe it refers to America because of the mythological connection between Engymion and Selene, who put him into a perpetual slumber so that she could caress him at will.
Why this should be seen as a metaphor for the United States is something of a mystery, unless we believe that in the context of feminism, the United States is asleep to the femine spirit, or else that man has put women to sleep so that he may caress her without making love to her.
A more likely explanation is that the banner carried by the women of the Seline Movement contains symbols of labor and three victors' wreaths that have some significance at the time, and this war-like image associated with the Moon is clearly another symbolic reference to the need for an aggressive and powerful stance by women to achieve their ends. The Moon as symbol of womanhood is clear.
The story continues, telling us which regions the marchers will come from and where they will all march to-converging, it seems, on Ancona, on the eastern coast of Italy.
We then read of conditions that sound extreme, to say the least. High in the sky the air is breathable, whereas close to the ground the atmosphere is polluted and men suffer from famine. Nostradamus has a habit of expressing things in an extreme way, but if we consider how our own time would have looked from his vantage point - before the Industrial Revolution, when air was pure, when motor vehicles were unknown and rivers and oceans were still free from pollution-it might well seem to him that our air was not breathable, and that we were suffering from famine. It could also be that he was not necessarily referring to famine in Italy, but in other parts of the world, thus giving us a time frame to date the prediction.
In effect, this Seline Movement, and the march across Europe, are linked to the modern Industrial Age and could therefore occur at any time in the latter years of this century.
We then receive some details of hostile local governments (the Burgundians, in the previous century, had captured Joan of Arc and handed her over to the English for trial) and of escapes through underground passages, together with political and military forces (Punic forces mixed with Gallic blood, which is both Christian and Islamic) being deployed to prevent the march from progressing.
This march will, incidentally, be the first to occur across several borders, a truly international revolutionary maarch. Its route, perhaps coincidentally, according to Nostradamus's description, traces in reverse Hannibal's march against Rome in 218 B.C. during the Second Punic War-traveling over the Alps, down the Rhone valley into southern France and then to Spain-somehow signifying a reversal of historical process. The journey from Rome to Carthage can be seen as a return to the early Mediterranean religion.
In the sky, during the march of the Seline Movement, the comet Chiron will be seen passing overhead. Chiron is an old and regular "friend" of planet Earth. During the 1970s it was thought to be another planet moving in an unstable orbit between Saturn and Uranus, but after a dust envelope was detected around its orbit in the 1980s it was reclassified as a comet.
Nostradamus is very keen on comets, which crop up frequently in his predictions. Because of their cyclical nature, they are a useful device for timing events in the future. Why he should have chosen Chiron to be the comet seen by the women of the Seline Movement is a mystery, because it is not generally visible in the night sky without the help of a powerful telescope; so there may be another reason for this reference. It could be that he was telling us to look at both the comet Chiron and at the mythological associations of its name, in order to give some idea of when this event will take place.
We discover, if we look into Greek mythology, that Chiron was a wise Centaur who, after being wounded, was transformed by the gods into the constellation Sagittarius, which lies between Scorpio and Capricorn in the Zodiac. The sun lies passes through Sagittarius from November to December, up to the winter solstice (December 21/22), so we can infer that the march will take place at this time of year. Unfortunately Chiron, in the course of its solar orbit, is only occasionally visible on Earth, when it happens to be lit by the Sun's rays and we cannot therefore predict a year when this might occur.
The story continues with details of a deal made by one who is wounded and eloquent, which fails, but which results in the return of the prisoners.
The conflict created by these marchers appears to be on a large scale, for we are next informed of bombs, rickets, and "nearby,"a city that was "almost" burned, with involvement by the people of the island of Sardinia, provoked by the Punic foist - the spiritual return to Carthage.
Here we are given a typical Nostradamus reference, combining astrology and ancient mythology.
It takes the form of three separate, though connected, references:
After Libra
Deucalion, King of Phthia, was the son of Prometheus, the Titan who created human beings and gave them fire, in Greek mythology. Liek Noah, Deucalion survived a Flood, let loose by Zeus, in an ark - a moonship, the Mesopotamian version. His task was to renew the human race after its fall, an important metaphor, for Nostradamus sees the evolution of woman as being highly significant in the rebirth of humanity.
The reference to After Libra indicates both a planetary movement and a metaphorical reference to justice. Libra represents the scales of justice, perhaps going to another indication of the Prophet's view of women's ideal place in the balance of society.
In astrological terms it lies between Virgo and Scorpio, and the Sun passes through Libra during October. After Libra takes us to the December/January period in which the comet Chiron returns to our skies. It is as though we are receiving a detailed timeline of the progress of the march. We then learn of a connection with Phaethon.
Phaethon is the Greek word for shining, or radiant. In Greek mythology Phaethon was the son of the Sun god, Helios, and the nymph Rhode. Phaethon plagued his father to allow him to drive the chariot of the Sun through the heavens for a single day. His wish was granted, but Phaethon was so unable to control the horses and the chariot traveled first so high that everyone shivered, and then so close to the earth that he scorched it.
To prevent severe damage Zeus struck him with a thunderbolt, causing him to fall into the Eridanu (Po) river. He was mourned by his sisters, Prote and Clemene, who turned into poplar trees on the banks, weeping amber tears.
The reference reiterates that the Sun is in the astrological house of Libra. The allegorical aspect of these words emphasizes that men will be brought low through their folly. All this apparently takes place in the months December/January of the year that Chiron becomes visible from Earth.
The last paragraph rounds off the story by telling us that whatever occurs in this mighty stand by women, the result will be an undeniable greater presence of the feminine spirit in the world. If we accept this interpretation of the verses, the march by a group called "Seline" is one of the pivotal features of women's evolution, which will develop a militant format in the coming years and will push feminie power and equality further along the road, so forming the central core of the feminine critical mass.
We may presume this, then, to be a very significant event in our future."
-Peter Lorie

Utterly fascinating. Don't you think?

Schizo or Psychic? You decide.

So, I was up late last night doing some research for this issue I'm dealing with. At some point my research strayed to the realm of psycho and psychic people. So check this out...

There are many people who hear "voices" in their head. Some seek professional help, are diagnosed as schizophrenic and are heavily medicated, which (usually) is effective in eliminating the voices. HOWEVER, there are also those who hear voices but refrain from seeking psychiatric help because they don't want to have a diagnosis of schizophrenia on their health records. There are also those who refuse to seek psychiatric treatment because they know they are not crazy and that the voices in their head are merely snippets of conversation that they pick up psychicically. If I'm not mistaken, I believe true schizophrenics hear voices that talk to them specifically, give them demands/commands, put them down, etc. The intuitives/psychics don't hear the same type of voices. For them, hearing the voices is sort of like overhearing a conversation at the supermarket or wherever. The voices do not address them specifically and depending on level of psychic ability, the more powerful psychics can tune in to listen to entire conversations between people [in the near vicinity? from other parts of the country? of the world? I'm not sure. Note To Self: Look into this] while those with less honed skills are only able to pick up parts of what people are saying.

Many people who are not aware that they are psychic, have consulted mental health experts and are on prescription drugs for schizophrenia are missing out on a potentially powerful gift. The gift of psychic intuition. When trained and honed, psychic abilities have been known to prevent tragedy, accidents and also may offer great gifts (i.e. being in the right time at the right place, etc.). When treated with anti-psychotic medication, the psychic ability is hampered and cannot be honed to excellece and accuracy.

On a related topic - Since many psychics are not even aware of their abilities, it would be common sense to assume that there are hundreds of schizophrenic patients taking up beds at mental hospitals across the country for hearing voices. Rather than living their lives, they're being forced into a clinical environment and pumped full of medications all day long, every day, until they get "better." Or maybe never. I wonder if experts in the world of psychiatry/schizophrenia have ever considered that their schizo patients may be psychic. Most of these "educated" individuals would likely dismiss the notion of psychic ability (although many places of higher learning and government agencies have been studying these abilities for decades) and therefore dismiss the idea that these so-called patients should be free to live instead of being treated almost as a prisoner. If someone were to do a study on the link between psychic ability and schizophrenia I think it would reverberate loudly through the world of medicine and psychiatry and may bring amazing results for the misdiagnosed psychics - freeing them from a world of meds, psychotherapy, doctors, nurses and the likes. Allowing them to become the miracle they were born to be through the work that they do.

Does this post make sense to anybody reading it? It's sort of far-fetched and difficult to explain, but, as an intuitive person myself, the concept is completely reasonable and brilliant and advanced. I do believe at some point in the future this concept will become recognized worldwide and dealth with accordingly. I hope the outcome is for the best. People tend to fear the new and unknown and with the way our world runs today and looking back on pre-christian times I really hope that psychic people are looked upon as gifted, not "witchy" or "evil", and become treasured and accepted into society, rather than persecuted, as we've seen in history with the virtual decimation of the pagan population of nature-worshippers.

P.S. According to
The Complete Idiots Guide To Psychic Awareness, EVERYBODY is psychic. This book is one of the most interesting and thought provoking books I've ever come across and would highly suggest you buy a copy, or at least go to your nearest borders books and browse through it over a triple-shot caramel mocha.