Monday, June 27, 2016

Dream Journal - Entry #4

Dream Journal - Entry #4


Last night I had a dream that apparently I was sleeping with this random guy and he was obsessed with saying Notre Dame. He pronounced Dame with the A sounding like "Dahmer" (like Jeffrey Dahmer) and I kept telling him to pronounce it to rhyme with Dane. But he kept saying it his way over and over and over again. Then I woke up.


Dream Journal - Entry #2

Dream Journal - Entry #2

May/June 2016

I had a dream last night that I was going to this crazy, ridiculous high school. Instead of normal classes there were tests. First the teachers gave knives to some students and they were supposed to stab others - I got stabbed on my hand three times and I was like freaking out but none of the students or teachers were listening to me. Then in gym (I think) we were walking and the floor fell out from under us and thank goodness the person behind me grabbed my harness and didn't let me fall - then they made us look at pictures of other students naked and so much ridiculousness and I tried to go to a teacher and tell them that everything was completely crazy and entirely unacceptable and couldn't/wouldn't be tolerated and that I fully intended to report the outrageousness but we (the students) were wearing these headphones that, when you took them off, we still couldn't hear anything, like we were deaf, so I couldn't hear what I was saying to the teacher and couldn't hear what she said back and the other students were appalled at the ludicrousness of the whole situation at the beginning of the dream but by the end most of them had turned into assholes and it was all really fucked up.


Dream Journal - Intro & Entry #1

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Entry #1 [in no chronological order]

7.11.15 9:00pm

Last night I had a rather unsettling nightmare (but just a nightmare, not a hardcore night terror) - it's theme was somewhat repetetive/related to dreams I've had before with people trying to kill me and me somehow evading death over and over again in the same dream. I remember one of my killers was a black guy with longish dreads and he had a handgun and tried to shoot me several times, he emptied a clip, reloaded and emptied another clip and he and I both seemed...puzzled and in angst over the fact that none of the bullets were able to hit me (reminiscent of one of the opening scenes in The Fifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho) can't really remember the rest of the details of the ways I almost got killed, but I do remember that a group of people (all women? literally or metaphorically or soul-memory status, I'm not sure) tried to help me escape the deaths (it, sort of reminded me of the TV show Homeland and like the group - in the case of Homeland, the CIA - sort of "recruited" me, I guess?) and like they led me out of harm's way - directly in some instances and gave me tips, advice on how to avoid being killed in others. Then toward the end of the dream I was so scared and sad and freaked out over almost dying so many times, I started crying and told the women I just wanted to die (or asked why I just couldn't die?) and I think I let myself drop to the floor or curl up into a ball, but one of the women picked/me back up and pushed me forward as she escorted me on yet another getaway from a brush with death...and that's about all I remember...