Wednesday, January 27, 2010

La Familia


They gathered around him awaiting instructions like hunger pups. He had decided, for this one time to go with Her judgement, to deviate. Her input always seemed to wind them up in a heap of trouble, though. Mostly utterly useless nonsense. If it weren't for their family connections, he'd have cut ties with her long ago. She was a liability. Solely for the fact that, under the most extreme and dangerous of circumstances, she let herself be guided by heart and intuition first. Rumor has it, he doesn't have a heart to speak of. No compassion. No feelings. They'd faded away long ago. She knew these emotions were essential to the very nature of staying alive. She knows the value of compromise. He'd never much liked that term. That made things dangerous for him. She felt compelled to watch after him; ensure his safety. All he did was laugh when she offered up the odd bit of advice. She was a joke to him. An anomoly. Didn't she know the rules were not to be deviated from - under any circumstance? Obviously not, as he blamed her for today's situation.
He knew that they were awaiting his orders. If he couldn't damn well find a way out of this disaster, the Board Room would most certainly become the war room. But his mind was elsewhere. There was just too much to deal with.
"Maybe..." he thought to himself, "Maybe if I could get rid of her somehow, the concentration would focus elsewhere. Anywhere but here," he mused. He then brushed the idea away as quickly as it had come. He couldn't let anything happen to her. She was family. His older sister.

by: me (b.)

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