Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quotes of the day.

"Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance,
but to do what lies clearly at hand."
-Thomas Carlyle

"Good thinking deals with causes and effects and leads to logical, constructive planning; bad thinking frequently leads to tension & nervous breakdown."
- Dale Carnegie

"Every girl needs a best friend."
- Sophie Kinsella, Shopaholic & Sister

"If I die, the truth will be lost forever."
- Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code

"People will do anything to survive."
- Steve Buscemi, The Island

"There is a hunger associated with pain when you look at someone you used to love, and enjoyed loving and want to love again...though you know you can't."
- Nikki Giovanni

"I was 38 at the time. As the saying goes, if I'd known I was going to
live that long, I would have taken better care of myself."
- James Patterson, Along Came A Spider

"The truth is fleeting when you are competing with the devil

in disguise, who paints pictures of hope & love with lies."

- as axiom by Sarah Sparkles

"I'm paralyzed here! I'm a f**king amputee!!"
- Naomi Watts, 21 Grams

"Our job is to report the news, not fabricate it. That's the Government's job."
- V For Vendetta

"If you can't annoy somebody, there's little point in writing."
- Kingsley Amis


"Some people have no sense of metaphor!"
- Ani DiFranco


"My motherf**king brain is IBM-compatible"
- Xzibit


"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do."
- Apple Computer TV Ad


"One never knows what will happen if things are suddenly changed. But do we know what will happen if they are not changed?"
- Elias Canetti


"Courage is to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends."
- Euripides


"Never have so many been manipulated by so few."
- Elbert Hubbard


"Perhaps the crescent moon smiles in doubt at being told that it is a fragment awaiting perfection."


"Beware the fury of a patient man."
- John Dryden


"You don't realize you're intelligent until it gets you in trouble."
- James Baldwin


"Fatigue makes cowards of us all."
- George S. Patton

"Never underestimate those that you scar, cuz karma, karma, karma comes back to you hard."
- Lauryn Hill

"We are not humans on a spiritual journey, we are spirits on a human journey."

"The chances are one in a million and you can call me brilliance if I succeed."
- Ani DiFranco

"There's so many people who have turned out their porch lights, just so I would think they were not home, and hid in the darkness of their windows until I passed and left them alone."
- Ani DiFranco

"Nowadays gettin by is nothin more than an occassional meal and gettin high."

"The point in history at which we stand is full of promise & danger. The world will either move toward unity & widely shared prosperity or it will move apart into necessary competetive economic blocs. We have a chance, we citizens of the United States, to use our influence in favor of a more united & cooperative world. Whether we do so will determine, as for as it is in our power, the kind of lives our grandchildren can live."
- F.D.R.

"Caesar's wife should be above reproach."
- Mark Hachman(my ex-editor), speaking to me via IM

"TV is, after all, the modern day roman coliseum; human devestation as mass entertainment. And now millions are jeering, collectively cheering, the bloodthirsty hierarchy of the patriarchal arrangement..."
- Ani DiFranco

"Heads you live, tails you die."
- Kiera Knightly, Domino

"We laugh to survive."

"...I climbed that road to your empty house, the anticipation was a turn-on...but you let me down. Cuz I stood on that empty stoop alone, I said 'I'm ready for my close-up now Mr DeMille,' I waited for the light but it never shone...
...and I wonder what you'll do with that expensive piece of land that overlooks a billion years of history - I have a sneaking suspicion you will never understand."
- Poe (songstress, not poet)

"...I hope you can't sleep and when you sleep I hope that you can't dream and when you dream I hope that you wake up screaming about me. I hope your conscience eats at you and you cant breathe without me."

"Once you've lost everything, you can do anything."
-Fight Club

"Because I know the biggest crime is just to throw up your hands & say 'this has nothing to do with me, I just want to live as comfortably as I can'."
- Ani DiFranco

"1,600 scientists, including the majority of living Nobel Prize winners in the sciences have unanimously agreed on the following public warning:

'A great change in the stewardship of this earth
and the life on it is needed, if great human
suffering is to be avoided and life on this planet
is to be irretrievably mutilated.'

Similarly, a group of economists came to the same conclusion in 1997."
-The Future of Money

"What would you do if you had something [deadly] important to tell someone and you knew there's no way they'd believe you?"
-Deja Vu

"...He accepted the laughter and derision...with an embarassed charm and a touchingly astonished grace."

"Bill Gates says 'wait till you see what your computer can become.' But it's you who should be doing the becoming, not the damn fool computer...What you can become is the miracle you were born to be through the work that you do."
- Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A Country

"Two eyes, only one gaze
hunger burns like fire.
Do you remember?"

"A great man once said that right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant."
- Kit Snicket, Lemony Snicket's The Pentultimate Peril

"He was crippled, but only his body was cracked. 'It's not simple, nor is it an easy matter to explain. Let's just leave it at that,' she says...and closes the holy book of lies. She covers her eyes, denying to herself what she thought happened."
- Thirteen

While these tears are mine to weep,
they're mostly not for me.

They're mostly for my disappointment in humanity.

I'm just waiting for the world to catch up.
by: me

Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility."

"You can spot a bad critic when he starts by discussing the poet & not the poem."
- Ezra Pound

"Religion and art spring from the same root and are close kin."
- Willa Cather

"History is a graveyard of classes which have preferred caste privileges to leadership."
- E. Digby Baltzell

"The little girl saw her 1st troop parade and asked
'what are those?'
'what are they for?'
'they are for war. They fight and each tries to kill as many of the other as he can.'
The girl held still and studied...
'Do you know...I know something."
'Yes, what is it you know?'
'Some time they'll have a war and nobody will come."
- Carl Sandburg

"The sword of war comes to the world for the delay of justice."
- Jonathan Kellerman, The Conspiracy Club

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